China, Japan, United States, New Zealand, Korea, Burma, and Canada all have one thing in common jade
Ancient Chinese books have numerous references to jade producing areas in China thus if we can find ourselves to a strike mineralogical definition of jade. Mainland China has only two jade producing areas the provinces of Yu Nan in the south and Xin Jiang in the west.
Rich deposits of nephrites in Xin Jain Province are located near the city of Kun Lun at the southwestern corner at the arid terrain basin. There the towering cliffs of the inhospitable mountains hold large quantities of nephrites. During the spring when the melt off from the winter snow turns the rivers into roaring cascade huge chunks of jade rocks are shorn off the mountain wall and swept down stream. As the waters decline pieces of jade can be found along the riverbanks or in the riverbed.
Jade can be classified according to where it was collected in the mountains along riverbanks or in riverbeds.
Jade rivers are so named for the jade found in their bed the city of cartilage is known for jade collected in the mountains. And the east of Luo Pu is renowned for the jade collected by near by riverbanks.
By the 17th century jade rich Xin Jaing had been incorporated into China and demands from the imperial household could be easily satisfied.
Jadeite is a gem quality silicate mineral in the pyridoxine family. It occurs naturally in at least six locations worldwide. The jadeite used in China comes from the mountainous regions of Burma.
Pure jadeite is a translucent white but this kind of jadeite is not popular with the public. If the jadeite contains traces of chromium it will be emerald green in color. The famous is a Hui Shi jade (pyroxene) that is so highly cherished.
In the middle o the 16th century public trade of Hui Shi was allowed with in a century this emerald form of jade trade became a popular precious stone.
Jadeite has only become available in large quantities during the last two centuries. Yet the distinctive fray Sui color is immensely popular with the Chinese people. Thus Hui Shi is the most expensive jade on the market today.
The jade found in Taiwan is not an equal to Hui Shi jade nor can Taiwan compete with the creamy white and yellow of Feng Tian.
From Feng Tain County located in the mountainous East Coast of Taiwan have large reserves of pyrite blue nephrite jade found in Taiwan is commonly divided into three types. Common jade wax jade and cats eye jade.
The jade from Feng Tian contains microscopic fibers, which cause striations in the jade. If these striations reflect light in a certain angle the jade tends to resemble a cats eye. This type of jade is often in use for jewelry. The opaque wax jade is the cheapest on the market.
The growth of Taiwan's tourists industry has led to the development of jade crafting on the Island. And Feng Tian is naturally the main source of jade in Taiwan.
Other regions of china produce substitute jade, take for instance the Xiu Yan jade of the Liao Ning Province in northeastern China.
Most of the jade jewelry on the market is Xiu Yan jade which is also commonly called new mountain jade or brittle jade.
Octagonal pieces jade discover four thousand years ago were also carved form Xiu Yan jade.
However the chemical composition of Xiu Yan jade is unstable on most scale of hardness it ranges between a 3.5 and a 6 not nearly as hard as real jade.
Small quantities of a very hard jade made with impurities can also be found on Mt. Du on Nan Yang, Henan Province. Many of the jade axes and daggers used by the ancient Chinese were made of jade from Mt. Toe.
Many people believe that jade naturally occurs in long ting the lazier field s of old.
Actually there are three jade rivers in Xin Jaing Province, Bai Yu River or White Jade River; Iv Yu river or green jade river and Wu Yu river for black jade river. Each is famous for producing a different color of jade the city of Lan Tian but the collecting points for the jades.
Most of the jade merchants from Quang Chow, Su Chow, Yang Chow, and Peking travel to Lan Tian to purchase jade on a whole sale market there but the jade actually occurs in Lan Tian is a myth.
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