China slows as tightening starts to bite
China's industrial growth has begun to slow as a string of measures to choke excess credit and control inflation feed through the economy, threatening to curb the country's voracious appetite for commodities.
HSBC's manufacturing index fell from 55.3 to 54.4 in December, the first drop in five months. The slowdown suggests that the authorities are at last gaining traction in their ever-more zealous efforts to stop over-heating, though many analysts say the credit bubble has already gone too far to avoid trouble next year.
The spectre of Chinese monetary tightening has now become the most neuralgic issue in the world economy. There are fears that Beijing may knock away the central prop of global recovery if it misjudges the delicate task.
Capital Economics said Chinese growth has been even stronger than suggested by official data, reaching 10pc in the fourth quarter based on freight levels, electricity use, and building footage. This blistering pace is no longer viewed as benign since it implies that China will have to brake harder.
The central bank has nudged up reserve requirements for banks five times and raised a range of interest rates, including a surprise move over Christmas to lift the one-year lending rate to 5.81pc. Beijing bared its fangs again on Thursday, pushing the money market rate to a three-year high of 6.25pc. Tightening fears has triggered a 12pc fall in the Shanghai stock market since early November.
Professor Michael Pettis from Beijing University said the Communist Party will struggle to engineer a soft-landing after letting rip with credit over the last two years.
"Debt levels are worryingly high and starting to act as a serious constraint on rebalancing. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the People's Bank of China to raise interest rates without causing a great deal of financial distress in government related entities," he said.
Mr Pettis said China must slow from the blistering growth rates of 8pc to 9pc over recent years as it reaches the limits of its investment-led export model. "It will be very bad for commodity exporters," he said.
A study by Fitch Ratings concluded that global commodity prices would fall by 20pc if China's growth slows to 5pc next year. China is now the global price setter for oil, coal, and base metals. It was has snapped up 30pc of global copper supply this year.
Professor Victor Shih at Northwestern University said banks have lent $1.6 trillion (£1.04 trillion) to local state entities, often for projects that are not commercially viable. He estimates that China's public debt will reach 100pc of GDP next year if counted properly.
China's credit grew 32pc in 2009 and 19pc in 2010, far above the safe speed limit. The authorities have belatedly begun to crack down on property speculation with mortgage rationing.
The International Monetary Fund said home prices in the eastern cities had become "increasingly disconnected from fundementals", although there is no nationwide bubble. Prices are 22 times disposable income in Beijing.
Credit curbs may help to lower property prices to affordable levels for China's working poor, but only at the risk of exposing the bad debts of the banks. It is a blunt way to curb inflation, largely due to an 11.7pc rise in food prices over the last year. A stronger yuan is the obvious tool to cope with global 'agflation' and head off food protests.
Hedge funds are betting that Beijing will be forced to do exactly that, opting for currency revaluation as the lesser evil.
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